 Prime numbers are integers that can only be divided by 1 and itself, going from 2, 3, 5 to infinity and beyond. To this day we have not managed to find a proper formula able to find any prime in existence, but when you look at the numbers from a new point of view, patterns start to emerge. This website was made with the purpose of finding different ways of visualizing and understanding prime numbers.
 Ulam Spiral
 It was created by Stanislaw Ulam in 1963, it’s constructed by writing the positive integers on a square grid in a spiral arrangement, then marking the primes. For performance reasons the maximum number of primes are limited for this and for the Parallax Compression.
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 Parallax Compression
 It’s an algorithm invented by Shaun Gilchrist in 2018, inspired by the Ulam Spiral. It’s constructed by setting a density value and a number of rows. Each row will have one dot more than the previous one, and each dot will have the density amount of numbers interspersed based on the row number, then the dots with primes are marked.
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